Anguilla Status

Processing Of Belonger Status Applications

Persons must complete and submit an application for Belonger Status. Application forms can be collected at the Immigration Main Office or downloaded our forms page.

There are three ways in which belonger status may be obtained detailed below:

  • by Virtue of Parents being born in Anguilla or Belongers of Anguilla
  • by Virtue Of Marriage For Five (5) Years To An Anguillian / Belonger Of Anguilla
  • by Fifteen (15) Years Of Residence In Anguilla

Documents Required For The Determination Of Belonger Status By Virtue Of Parent(S) Being Born In Anguilla Or Belongers Of Anguilla

  • Two (2) passport size photographs
    Original and photocopies of the relevant documents, with English translation where applicable
  • Birth Certificate of applicant (please ensure that father’s name is included)
  • Mother’s / Father’s birth certificate
  • Marriage Certificate (if parents were married at the time of birth)
  • Belonger Certificate
  • Treasury receipt for the sum of EC two hundred dollars (EC$200.00 non-refundable) evidencing payment of the processing fee.
  • Application for Anguillian Status/ Determination - Children of Applicant

NB: Section B of the application form must be completed


Documents Required For The Determination For Belonger Status By Virtue Of Marriage For Five (5) Years To An Anguillian / Belonger Of Anguilla

Documents Required For The Grant Of Anguillian Status By Fifteen (15) Years Of Residence In Anguilla

  • Two (2) passport size photographs
    Original and photocopies of the relevant documents, with English translation where applicable

  • Two (2) passport size photographs
    Original and photocopies of the relevant documents, with English translation where Applicable
  • Birth Certificate
  • Police Certificate
  • Health Certificate
  • Sworn Affidavit from a Notary Public stating the average time spent in Anguilla for each year within the 15 years period.
  • Old passports, work permit, etc..,
  • Affidavits from two (2) Anguillians of good repute, who have known the applicant residing in Anguilla for the period claimed.
  • Details of business association (eg. Company details, including financial statements, audited company accounts and details of ownership and source of investment funds)
  • Treasury receipt for the sum of two hundred dollars (EC$200.00 non-refundable) evidencing payment of the processing fee.
  • Application form for Belonger Status/ Determination