The Land Development (Control) Ordinance 1966 together with the amending Ordinances of 1980, 1988 and 1989 (collectively called ‘The Ordinance’) came into effect on 12th January 1990 and this means that most forms of ‘development’ now need planning permission.
The Ordinance defines: ‘development’ in relation to any land includes any building or rebuilding operations, engineering operations, mining operations (including the removal of sand) in, on, over or under any land, the making of any material change in the use of any material change in the use of any building or land, the sub-division of any land, the laying out roads, the filing of ravines or swamps, or any other preparatory work which indicates an intention thereby to change or alter the existing nature or character of any land develop shall be constructed accordingly.
Clearly this is a wide definition and therefore Regulations have been drafted to help administer the Ordinance. The Regulations list certain ‘permitted developments’ that are given blanket approval. For example, it is permitted development to enlarge a dwelling house providing that the external cubic content of the original house is not exceeded by one tenth or fifty cubic metres, whichever is the greater and that existing height is not exceeded and that the extension is not towards a road. In such a case it is not necessary to apply for planning permission.
If you are intending to carry out any development and in any doubt as to whether planning permission is required you should contact an officer at the Department of Physical Planning ( Tel: (264) 497-5392 or 5064) who will be pleased to advise you. If you do need planning permission you will need to complete an application form and send it with the necessary plans to the Department of Physical Planning. See details on plans to be submitted.
You should also know that in obtaining planning permission you are not absolved from obtaining any other necessary approvals such as a building permit or a licence.
The Government of Anguilla is committed to serving our community, fostering development, and enhancing the quality of life for all.
Together, let's build a brighter future for Anguilla.
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